
Сообщения за январь, 2019

Indian citizen got TPR in Ukraine on marriage ground

Our client is indian citizen which is studing in Ukraine as a student and has a student TPR card. He is looking for TPR on marriage ground. What we did for him: 1st: Assistace and helping in getting marriage registration with ukrainian citizen. 2nd: helping getting e-visa to Moldova 3rd: He travelled to ukrainian Consulate in Balty and successfully applayed visa D on marriage ground. 4th: His TPR id card on marriage ground will be issued soon n Kiev. Job will be fully completed soon!

Bangladeshi citizen got private visa for 3 months to Ukraine through our private invitation.

Citizen of Bangladesh asked for private invitation. Private invitation was provided and sent to customer by courier company. Mister Ahmed Mohammed Murad got private visa for 3 months to Ukraine through our private invitation. Congrats sir!

Mexican citizen got TPR to Ukraine on voluntary ground (voluntary invitation for visa D +TPR for 1 year)

Our mexican client got TPR on voluntary ground (voluntary invitation for visa D +TPR for 1 year). We sent voluntry invitation for VISA D (long-term visa) to Mexico. He successfully applayed visa D and reach Kiev office. After final payment and submitting his docs to Immigartion Department in Kiev his Temporary Permit residence in Ukraine for 1 year was issued and ready. Registration was provided by his request. Work is fully completed.

Working invitation for work visa D to Ukraine and TPR for 3 years for Nigerian citizen

Our company provided working invitation for work visa D for citizen of Nigeria. He successfully applayed visa D (long-term visa) with our support at ukrainian Consulate in Abuja for 90 days. Airport clearance was provided for him Kiev airport successfully! In Kiev office after final payment his docs were submitted for TPR for 3 years and within 30 days it was Out and Done! After that we made registration for him! Nigerian citizen Prince has official status in Ukraine for 3 years! Possible to make extension after 3 years.