Poland 3 years work permit for nigerian candidate '2024 (Demonstartion version)

Poland 3 years work permit for nigerian candidate '2024 (Demo version). We can provide working invitation (work permit FOR 1 or 3 YEARS) for work visa D to Poland. Courier charges is separate. Process time up to 50-60 days. 1 year work permit to Poland is 600 euro = (1st payment is 300 euro). 3 years work permit to Poland is 650 euro = (1st payment is 350 euro). Seasonal short term work permit to Poland is 350 euro = (1st payment is 200 euro). Rest balance + courier charges (when invitation is ready and out). For get start a process we need scan of passport 1st page and 1st payment (advance payment). Order: +380687197538 whatsapp or https://wa.me/380687197538 ------------------------------------------- The example of work permit to Poland for 3 years for one of our candidates from Nigeria mister Habemem Kingdom.